I recently have tried a new product that I wanted to share with you. I was lucky enough to receive Dr. Scholl's For Her Ball of Foot heel inserts in my Something Blue Voxbox from Influenster. This product comes in a pretty pink and purple package with flowers on. I must admit I was skeptical at first. The product sort of looks like a squishy piece of jelly plastic. Upon feeling it it was firmer than expected.
I grabbed my favorite heels and slipped them to gauge where the pressure was exactly took them off and added the ball of foot inserts slipped my shoes back on and adjusted accordingly. I was pleasantly surprised! The inserts are actually comfortable. They add cushion and support and make my heels comfy. My toes don't slide forward and scrunch up! I actually do like this product. I wore my heels to several hours and didn't experience pain like I normally would without this product. I do recommend this product for anyone who is on their feel all day or wears heels and wedges often.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Dr. Scholl's® For Her Ball of Foot
Posted by Charline at 4:25 AM 0 comments
Luster NOW! Instant Whitening Toothpaste from the Influenster Something Blue Voxbox
Product review
Looking at some more information about Luster NOW! products and the toothpaste in particular. The whitening effect happens after just one application and will last for hours. How impressive is that? More importantly, due to my concerns with whitening products, Luster NOW! is designed by dentists and gentle and safe for teeth, even those that have a history of developing sensitivity issues. I can certainly attest to that!
Posted by Charline at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Precision Tips from Q-Tips
There are many uses, However I think it helps a great deal with the eye makeup and lips.
- Smudger--I keep these in my bag for when I want to create a smokey eye look for night. Add a thicker line of eyeliner above your upper lashes and smudge it out. Then smudge underneath lower lashes. Easy smokey eye!
- Eye Shadow Application--Before I started using brushes, I used these. The swabs can apply and blend shadow. They're great for touching up shadow too.
- Eye Brows--Use the Precision Tips to apply and diffuse brow powder or gel.
- Highlighter--Highlight above and below your brows (and inner corners of eyes) with your favorite product, like shadow or a pencil highlighter.
- False Lashes Applier--After applying lashes, use the Precision Tips to tap the lashes into place.
- False Lashes Cleaner--Did you know you can extend the life of your false lashes by cleaning them? Soak the ends of the swab in your favorite eye makeup remover and then use the swab to clean the eyelash glue or liner from the lashes.
- Exfoliator--Take the swab and rub lips with a mix of sugar and coconut oil to exfoliate.
- Highlight--Use your favorite highlighter to precisely apply above your Cupid's Bow and below the fullest part of your bottom lip. It will make your lips look larger.
- Clean Up--Stop lipstick bleeding by cleaning up around the lips. I also think this is an essential tip for wearing a red lip--clean up those messy "edges."
- Sanitary & Non-Messy Application--I can't stand touching certain makeup with my fingers, as in, putting my fingers into a tin of lip balm, for example. It grosses me out. I use the cotton swab applicators instead. No germs, no mess!
Posted by Charline at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 19, 2013
I got to try out Ivory's 2-IN-1 Hair and Body Wash from Influenster for free! I
was so excited to get it in the mail! I know some people are reminded of their
grandparents when they smell Ivory and avoid it because of that. You know what
though? My grandparents lived through the depression and they knew a good
product at a great price and took advantage of products like Ivory!
I think it smells nice and clean! My husband and daughter use combo items like
this all the time, but I usually don't because I've found that they don't do a
great job at conditioning and leave my hair dry and brittle, completely stripped
of all it's natural oils, so I was very hesitant to try this on my hair. I was
so pleasantly surprised! This actually does a really good job of keeping my hair
soft and moisturized! The foaming lather is great for body wash as well and
leaves my skin so soft I don't think twice about using this on my daughter's
sensitive skin! I am a huge product junkie and I don't think I would feel quite
right about replacing my expensive conditioners with this product on a full time
basis. However- I know we have a few weekend getaways and camping trips planned
for this summer. Ivory 2-IN-1 will definitely be replacing all the products I
normally bring for my husband, my daughter, and myself! When you're just going
for a short trip and need to pack light this is the bottle to use! I think it smells nice and clean! My husband and my two kids use it. . I was
so pleasantly surprised! This actually does a really good job of keeping my hair
soft and moisturized! The foaming lather is great for body wash as well and
leaves my skin so soft I don't think twice about using this on my toddler's
sensitive skin! I am a huge product junkie and I don't think I would feel quite
right about replacing my expensive conditioners with this product on a full time
basis. However- I know we have a few weekend getaways and camping trips planned
for this summer. Ivory 2-IN-1 will definitely be replacing all the products I
normally bring for my husband, my kids, and myself! When you're just going
for a short trip and need to pack light this is the bottle to use!
can check out Ivory on facebook here: www.facebook.com/ivory
Posted by Charline at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Gillette Venue & Olay razor
This is another product I recieved in my influester package.This Gillette Venus & Olay razor was another product that was. This is the first time ever that Gillette and Olay have come together to make a gold standard in a razor. I have used this a couple of times since I got it, so I think now is a good time to do a review.Ahh the power of this combination ultra moisturing, sturdy, comfortable to hold and come with a much better holder than the previous box like contraption. I like the simplicity of just the hanging hook. Also leaves your skin so smooth from the Olay in it.
Posted by Charline at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Kiss Nail Dress
Earlier this month I received the Influenster Love Box, a fun service where you get to try out new products for free. In my box was nail stickers! No more expensive manicures for me. The prices of these nail polish stripes average about $8 at local drug stores, which is more inexpensive then the nail salons. As for application, they apply just like Sally Hansen Salon Effects. You make sure your nail is clean of all polish, find a sticker that fits your nail as closely as possible, rub it onto our nail, and then file off the excess. Mine lasted for one week and half.
Posted by Charline at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Influenster Love Box
So earlier this month I recieved a Vox Box from Influenster… I was deff suprised how much I got, you sign up fill out super quick survey’s then earn badges the more you answer survey the more you earn. They will then let you know if you qualify to receive a box to review some products. .
Some good things I’ve found about Truvia is that it’s all natural and zero calories. Perfect for people trying to loose weight and are on a calorie deficit. Their website says that it provides the same amount of sweetness that 2 tablespoons of sugar. Actually that’s quite a lot of sugar.
Now with each of the packets in the sample pack I would say just half the packet goes a long way. I’ve seen some say that it has an after taste. I might have to try it a few more times to really say, but overall I think it’s a great alternative for those looking to cut down on sugar or can’t have too much. I will test the other products and give more reviews of the rest of these products.
Posted by Charline at 4:27 PM 0 comments